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Sorry for not posting
Well here I am a few months since my last post and I have no clue where to start. The Lord has been working in our lives in so many wonderful ways. He is so merciful and full of grace. Our pastor said this past Sunday in church that mercy is God not giving us what we deserve and grace is God giving us what we don't deserve. How true is that! Praise God for His goodness to us. I have recently completed a ladies Bible study on brokenness, surrender and joy. What a blessing that was for me. Just a short 3 week Bible study but what I have learned I will keep with me for the rest of my life. For an early birthday present a dear friend of mine gave me a book that contained 3 of Nancy Leigh DeMoss's books in it. It is entitled Brokenness, Surrender and Holiness. I am a few chapters into brokenness but I have already had to stop reading and cry out unto God to show me what sin there was in my life. I shed a lot of tears as God did just that. He showed me areas of sin in my life that I had not even realized I was doing. He also reminded me that I was holding on to things and "feelings" that were in fact sinful. One item in particular the Lord and I wrestled with for a long time and finally last night I threw the item in the trash. The Holy Spirit would not let the conviction go away and when I threw out the "garbage" I immediately felt a peace about the situation. Now that doesn't mean I wasn't tempted to dig it out of the trash (I purposely set it at the very bottom of the trash can under the trash) but I left it at the altar for God to remove it from my life. I am praying for revival for not only our church and our country but for myself. That is where revival starts in us as individuals. Please pray with me for revival for ourselves, our President, our churches and our country. For no clue where to start I sure said a lot huh? Well as for the family and I we are doing great! Tony has started working 3rd shift now which has taken some getting used to but the fact that he is making more money sure seemed to help in that transition! Becca turned 12 on Jan. 14. She is growing up so fast although she is still so tiny. I know the Lord is in control of her life and her body and in His perfect time she will blossom. For those of you who do not know Rebecca was born 3.5 months early and weighed only 1.2 lbs when she was born. She is truly our miracle from God. She is now 12 and weighs around 60lbs now but eats like a horse. She wants to serve the Lord as a missionary. Well that's all for this post take care and God Bless!ROBIN
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