Saturday, May 29, 2010

Changes and things to come :-)

I want to start off by saying first off how grateful I am for the few friends I have that I know will help point me in the right direction in my walk with the King.  I stumble and fall so often due to being self centered and pride but I truly want this life I live to be Christ honoring and for His glory.  With the Holy Spirit's help I am trying to make our home simpler and live a calmer life.  Our finances have been a constant source of woe for us.  I honestly believe that the Lord allows us to continue to struggle to keep us humble.  He blesses us in so many other ways in our lives and for that I am grateful and we are going to sit down today and work on our budget..rather create one since we do not have one already.  Our goal is to slowly but surely become debt free.   We have dug ourselves into a pit with credit card debt and careless spending but from now on all purchases will be prayerfully considered.  We are also going to use an "envelope" system.  We haven't done this before so it will take a little getting used to. 

We have started finding ways to save money at home...we no longer have satellite TV which saves us $60.00 a month and my darling husband put a clothes line outside for me and we are using it some.  Not totally due the all the afternoon thunderstorms we get.  Also yesterday I called our phone company and was inquiring about our bill.  We were paying $80.00 a month for home phone service and DSL.  I dropped the fancy features such as caller id, call waiting and long distance.  Also dropped a 5GB storage fee they were charging each month.  When all is said and done it took off $30.00 a month of the phone bill.  :-)  Little savings lead to bigger savings :-) 

I am also going to start making use of the gym membership we are paying for.  We have a contract with them and can not cancel which is okay with me because I know IF I start going to the gym and loosing weight then doctor bills and medicines and even clothes shopping will become cheaper.  I will update later on this evening what we worked out for our budget and I pray that this may encourage someone going through the same thing or that even you will encourage us during this time.  We know things have to change and with the Lord's help we will make it happen. 

Until Next Time~


Unknown said...

Oh Robin!! I'm so excited for you!! I TOO have had a gym membership since last October (also a 1 year contract)- I went about 5 times total until this week! I went twice... baby steps! ;-) A friend of mine encouraged me to start out with just 10 mins. Anyone can do 10 mins. He was serious. That "10 mins" turned into more this week - and I am looking ahead with a attitude... just get in the door Chrisha! As for the budget - the Zero Budget (from Dave Ramsey) REALLY was a cool thing for me while single- (It's also a basic accounting principle). And Dev & I have one set up now too. Tracking expenses really opens your eyes to how we nickle and dime ourselves to death!! OH! This is getting LONG!! I am excited for you - and encouraged to revisit that budget and FOLLOW THROUGH with it too!! (that's where I fail!)

In Him!!

Unknown said...

correction: "with {the} attitude..."

Unknown said...

Sounds like some amazing stuff you are doing! How awesome!